vernon's Blog

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Software developer 👨🏻‍💻, passionate about old school programming and tools. Host of the Discovering Emacs podcast🎙️and a proud South African 🇿🇦
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Hi All, just a little update.

We’re still in the process of settling down in here Cape Town, South Africa. I landed a new job and as a result I’ve been very busy with the onboarding process.

We’ve also just recently found our own place and will be moving in next month. The goal is to resume the #Emacs related content soon after that.

Overall, I’m very happy with the move and think it’s going to do wonders to my mental health, being surrounded by so much nature. Especially, after living in a concrete jungle for 13 years.

Here’s a picture I took of the Cape Town’s botanical gardens, it’s a wonderful place!

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